People generally assume that a contract job is something that you take on only when you can’t find a full-time employment position. Well, maybe it was once upon a time but not anymore. Now, many people know the benefits of contract-basis jobs.
Before we go into detail about the benefits that a contract position has over a permanent one, let’s get to know more about both.
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Contract Job: A contract job is where you will have to work for a certain duration of time. The contract maybe for a few months or even a few years, depending on the hiring company’s requirement. For instance, an employee who has taken a contract job of 6 months will be working at the client’s office but will be paid by the employment contract. After the completion of the contract, the employee gets to decide what he wants to do for the remaining 6 months.
Permanent Job: A permanent job is your basic 9 to 5 job where you work for a particular company for as long as you want to. You will be paid on a monthly basis, or twice a month in some countries. You will be able to avail the various benefits offered by the company.
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Now, why would you choose a contract job over a permanent position?
Well, if you have a permanent job you will have to handle the same roles and responsibilities daily and sit on the same desk. With a contract job, you will be working on various projects for different companies in a year, depending on you. This will grant you the chance to utilize, develop, and expand your skill sets.
After getting into a contract basis job domain, you will get to work with different people, which will help in widening your network for future references. You could be lucky enough to even travel for the job.
Through many job portals such as, you will be able to work for some of the finest companies not only in India but also in the world. Plus, there are many government contract jobs to apply for. We all know it is difficult to get a government job. But, with contract jobs, as long as you have the skills, experience, and qualifications, you can get a government contract job.
In this concept of contract jobs, you get the freedom to be your own boss and work on your own terms. Once the project is handed over to you, you answer to yourself. You just have to execute it on time and do well.
On the Other Side with a permanent job, you get a few leaves in a month. But, with contract jobs, you get to work for a certain amount of time, let’s say 6 months, and have the remaining 6 months of the year to yourself once the contract is over, at your own expenses of course. You could travel, write a book or even take up another contract, it’s totally up to you.
Nowadays, due to the coronavirus pandemic, employers are more interested in hiring manpower on a contractual basis as it offers flexibility and cost-saving in manpower hiring. There are many contract jobs in the job market. This enhances the possibilities of you getting faster employment than that of a permanent job.
The more contracts you take up in a year, the more your earnings, and sometimes you get paid more than that of those in permanent positions. Plus, some companies offer amazing benefits for contractors to avail of.
Well. I hope the above-mentioned points entice you enough to go for contractual jobs rather than a permanent position if you seek a flexible lifestyle and want to work on your own terms.